Our Ideal Guru Parampara

Lord Shree Krishna, Maharshi Ved Vyas, Jagadguru Shreemad Adi Shankaracharya, Vishwaguru Shree Gorakshanath Maharaj, Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj and Poojaniya ShreeGuru Arvindnath Maharaj.
This is our ideal Dnyanparampara-Guruparampara.
This is our ideal Dnyanparampara-Guruparampara.
Advaita (non-duality) tradition of knowledge is the ideal tradition. Lord Shreekrishna, Maharshi Ved Vyas, Jagadguru Shreemad Adi Shankaracharya, Vishwaguru Shree Gorakshanath Maharaj and Sant Shreshtha Shree Dnyaneshwar Maharaj is our ideal Dnyanparampara-Guruparampara.
All of them went through and faced extreme circumstances but still propagated the thought of the betterment of the entire mankind and society. They lead their lives in accordance with the ideals set in the granthas (holy books) and laid down a paradigm for us to follow. They directed and guided us about the true worth and meaning of human life and also about the complete utility of it. They showered their love not only on human-beings, but on each and every creature present in the universe. The lives of these great idols would always remain worthy and ideal for us.