Contribute for the noble cause
An appeal
Science has created many comforts and luxuries, but it is incapable of bestowing eternal happiness, peace, satisfaction and contentment. The overall development and the accomplishment of an individual lies only in self realization.
On this background, let us realize the forthcoming destruction and mould the young generation by inculcating worthy and divine thoughts of saints. This young generation itself will direct the world towards wise thoughts. For this, we need your support and co-operation.
How to contribute
Monetary Donation

All the donations are eligible for tax deduction under section 80G of Indian Income Tax Act 1961.
For Online donation, make payment to the following account:
contact us at +91-9922915823
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For Online donation, make payment to the following account:
- A/C No: 39310200000215
- Name: Shree Sant Seva Sangh
- A/C Type: Current
- Bank: Bank of Baroda
- City: Pune
Branch: Satara Road - IFSC Code: BARB0SATPUN
(Fifth digit is zero)
contact us at +91-9922915823
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Subscribe to Magazine

We publish a monthly magazine named Das Daideepyaman Parampareche! This magazine renders write-ups on different topics from philosophy and spirituality, comments by the dignitaries, opinion of volunteers and report of the work done in given month.
Annual subscription Rs.350/- (inclusive of postage charges)
To subscribe,
contact us at +91-9922915823
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Annual subscription Rs.350/- (inclusive of postage charges)
To subscribe,
contact us at +91-9922915823
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Buy CDs/Cassetes

The abhangas composed by saints, stotras by Adi Shankaracharya, couplets from Dnyaneshwari and verses based on Ramayana have been composed and beautifully rendered by some great singers. Following audio CDs are available at affordable prices:
contact us at +91-9922915823
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- Narayan Narayan
- Bhaje Dnyandevam
- Harer Namaiv Kevalam
- Shree Krishnaha Sharanam Mam
- Shree Mangalacharanam
contact us at +91-9922915823
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